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Let's talk about the E-Teams Training!
From the 25 th to the 27 th of July of 2022, our Project had a training in Setúbal, in Portugal. This
Training had the goals to bring professionals of the Education area to be involved in the project.
First day of training
The first day of Training was the one where people got to meet each other and were introduced to E-TEAMS project. Then, the first theme to be approached was Career Management Skills and how they can be used as learning objectives of career education interventions.
Moreover in this day, education professionals were introduced to gamification and how to use it for education. Participants also took part in co-creation on rooms of the game the Project is developing.
Second day of training
In this day, we talked about using digital tools to engage and also of My Career Plan, that is the portfolio for career learning that are being developed. We also used this day to contribute to other rooms for the game that the project is developing.
Third day of Training

It was a good time passed in this Training and a time focused on E-TEAMS project that contributed a lot to it. It showed how, together, education professionals can be a very important tool to benefit the project and, as consequence, the prevention of school dropout. Find and article written by one of the participatns of the training about his experience here >>