The main story
Let's talk about what the project has to offer!
The project consortium investigated the training needs of teachers in this innovative fields of digital tutorship of peer learning teams and has designed a set of training modules and online resources for etutors (teachers, career guidance practitioners, peer students).
The effort materialized in 7 modules training that include: Guidance, Career Management Skills (CMS), Checklist, The profile of the tutor in schools, Digitalization in guidance, E_TEAMS Platform – a practical guide and finally, open resources collected by all partners.
The module presents an introduction the main characteristics, topics and tasks affecting the implementation of tutoring services at school in different partner countries. It provides a general overview of the European context with a specific focus on the partner countries in order to provide a knowledge’s baseline for the learners under a common dimension of the features dealing with the course.
Career management skills
CMS underpin a paradigm shift in lifelong guidance which abandons a “test and tell” or matching paradigm in favor of a learning and development paradigm. This module is an useful synthetic material that clarifies the concept and the main terms included.

The profile of Tutors
Module 4 describes the profile of the tutors and talks about professionalizing service learning at school. A considerable number of scientific bibliographies demonstrated that the identification of new skills and training needs for tutors and practitioners is becoming a priority. High quality tutoring contributes to the improvement of the educational system, preventing drop out, guaranteeing gender equality and facilitating the integration of minorities.
Digitalisation in Guidance
This module is a guideline that aims at providing teachers and tutors with an overview of the different concepts such as digitalization, gamification and game-based learning. The part of the training addressed these concepts and linked them to the educational sphere with the objective of providing teachers and tutors with tools and information to implement new and innovative approaches to the learning experience of students.
The E-Teams Platform & Open Resources
Module 6 provides a step-by-step route description on how to use the Platform.
Last module is a carefully selected list of all partners in the consortium completing and nuancing the main concepts and approaches that shaped the project. The list invites to critical thinking and opens the dialog that we are egger to continue for improving the project results.